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Hello Australia!
A wooden Numberland plus books are now available in Australia through Grocorp!
Create a math corner as attractive as the construction area. Motivate and guide your children with the two books.

Childcare & Education Expo 2025, London
Meet 100+ exhibitors and experts at this prestigious expo in London – and me 🙂.
Come to my little stand and have a real Numberland experience with my picture book (all 8 languages), theDIY resource – and lots of stuff to play around with.
London Olympia, Feb 1 and March 1
My stand: A19

Accepted! International conference of teachers of German
Yes, Numberland can be used to teach a language – first, second, foreign!
I am delighted that the organisers of this international conference with about 3.000 teachers attending see that too. Looking forward to giving a hands-on workshop.

Accepted for international Literacy Conference
I am grateful to have been accepted to this prestigious literacy conference in Oxford! Can’t wait to further promote mathematical literacy and its potential for the overall and happy development of children.
PS They had 490 submissions and picked 183…

New Cut Out Resource
Designed with love, this cut out resource matches our picture book “My Garden is a Square”, giving you all characters, houses, gardens, flowerbeds, flowers, number street.
So now it is even easier for you to turn mathematics into happy role play!

A chat about the joy and efficiency of Numberland
Don’t miss my chat with Kathy, where we juggle with optional props, picture books and ideas on how easily we can support children in learning, mastering and loving the language of maths – while doing just what children (and all of us) need: indulging play!
This interview with Kathy Brodie is now available on her Early Years TV as part of her premium membership. It was recorded as part of a now expired offer.

Goethe Institute Paris: Using Numberland to teach language
(Jun 2024) No slides, only props! Such a pleasure to present Numberland to teachers in France, Germany and beyond at this 4th online colloquium by Goethe-Institute Paris.
Apart for the new picture books in various languages, the synergies, also for the entire development of children were much welcomed and I look forward to what may develop further!

Picture book already available in 8 languages!
I am over the moon that My Garden is a Square is now available in 8 languages:
English / French / German / Hindi / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish.
Available (also as ebook) through all online/offline bookstores or through the publisher TBR Books by CALEC.

Discount alert: Numberland Masterclass 50% off until 5th of July
My Numberland Masterclass gives you EVERYTHING you need to introduce your children to Numberland and then let the good things happen through play: Background information and hands-on tips in videos, plus printables for an instant start.
UPDATE: The 50% offer has expired but 40 GBP is still a very modest price for what you get – including LIFETIME ACCESS!

New Numberland online Masterclass + resources
(Apr 2024) You get the full picture of Let’s visit Numberland PLUS ALL resources that enable you to start right away! All optional!
I poured my heart into this hands-on course and I am over the moon that Kathy Brodie hosts it on her Early Years TV platform!

Festival du Livre Paris
(Apr 2024) What an experience to attend the Festival du Livre as an author and to sign My Garden is a Square in various languages!
And such a lovely opportunity to bond and chat with the dedicated team of CALEC publishing.

A FREE Numberland trial pack for Number One
Numberland appeals to you, but you would like to try out first? Get to know the resources to better tailor it to your needs?
Well, here you can download your free blank version (pdf):
- Number One introducing itself (from the picture book My Garden is a Square)
- Number One wall poster
- Number One cut out resource (3 versions)
- Number One colouring sheets (3 versions)
- Number One numeral writing practice (including blank version)

Wishing you all a decent rest and all the best for 2024!
2024 marks 20 years advocating for maths through the eyes of children!! We will celebrate throughout the year, but not until January 8th.
PS My son drew this Numberland Christmas tree 19 years ago … Numberland had turned him into a vigorous little artist 🙂

A visit to the Paris office of my publisher CALEC
(Dec. 2023) It was a pleasure and fun to meet the TBR Books people who turn the Numberland idea into tangible books – even in various languages!
My Garden is a Square is now available in various languages.
In this meeting, we also discussed further resources such as printed cut out Numberland resources… (planned for 2024)

Online workshop with Panama
February 9, 2023. In this event, parents and teachers will be learning about the imagination in Let’s visit Numberland and how to easily go about it with their children. This is workshop is organised by the Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
5pm Panama and New York time / 10pm London time

Storytime with Anusha & a Visit to Numberland
January 11 – starting 2023 with a highlight! Anusha Shrestha will be reading our book My Garden is a Square during her daily (!) Storytime with Anusha. Mark and I will give tips for parents and teachers afterwards.
7 to 8pm Sydney time / 8 to 9am London time.

YouTube Channel @lets-visit-numberland
(Nov. 2022) In my revamped YouTube channel, I am collecting videos and playlists you hopefully find useful and entertaining. Only just started, so I suggest you subscribe to stay tuned …
Direct link: @lets-visit-numberland

Early Maths Conference in Poland
(Nov. 2022) Busy and happy teachers during our early maths conference at Uczelnia Lingwistyczno-Techniczna, Przasnyszu. Looking forward to our future cooperation.

Maths Week Ireland 2022
(Oct. 2022) It was a pleasure to present Let’s visit Numberland at Dublin City University and at Stranmillis University College Belfast! Thanks for the great feedback and much looking forward to our future cooperation.

Presenting my new book at Frankfurt Book Fair
(Oct. 2022) How exciting to meet my publisher at Frankfurt Book Fair. And what a fabulous opportunity to explain the concept behind the book. Read more

New rhyming children’s picture book out
(Oct. 2022) “My Garden is a Square” introduces all Let’s visit Numberland characters with charming illustrations and rhymes. Available in English and Hindi. Read more

Presenting at a global online conference
(Oct. 2022) It was an honour to present at Empathy Week by Education Influence!

Numbers and Shapes translated into the World of Children
(Aug. 2022) Recording of a workshop for the global teacher network Education Influence. Watch on YouTube

Let’s visit Numberland with indigenous people in Malaysia
(2021) Though living in a remote village, these wonderful people were dedicated to learn Numberland through tiny mobile screens from me in far away Germany.
Read more and perhaps even download our article.

TALULAR at its best in a Community School in Zambia
(2021) Let’s visit Numberland made teachers in Lusaka burst into creativity and commitment.
Read more