Let’s visit Numberland Resources

Picture book (8 languages) — Numberland elements — Activity Sheets —>
Pick what suits your children best!
There is NO compulsory equipment to use the Let’s visit Numberland concept! Yet it makes life a lot easier not having to start from scratch. 😉
We design our versatile Numberland resources with knowledge and love, experience and pragmatism. EVERYTHING is absolutely OPTIONAL and you can combine freely with whatever you have at hand.
Here comes a suggestion:
Step 1: Introduce the Numberland idea and characters with our rhyming children’s picture book My Garden is a Square (available in 8 languages).
Step 2: Let the good things happen in your physical Numberland, aka maths corner. Children can play away the Numberland idea in their imaginative role play. Use circle time or any other occasion to elaborate on maybe a Number of the Week or to connect mathematical discussions and open eyes for the maths around us.
Your options to create a real Numberland in your maths corner for your children to play:
1 Directly cut out from the booklet “My Cut and Play Numberland”. Or
2 Get it as a pdf-file (which is part of a whole package and teacher training).
3 Or pick the ready made wooden materials by HABA.
4 Or even make everything yourself/ with your children,
… and/or combine with more resources such as the wall posters.
A free Numberland trial pack
How about starting with this free trial pack for a first look and see what your children say? It includes all resources for Number One: her story from the picture book, her home (also in small), wall poster and more!
No need to use everything, but a buffet to pick from and to make things easy for you.

A Numberland Picture Book
Our rhyming children’s picture book is a communication starter and eye opener for any Numberland adventure (available in 8 languages!). Use it to introduce the Numberland idea and all characters to your children.
It also includes tips how to use the book. Turn the picture book into happy role play with the optional Numberland resources mentioned below.
Barbara Schindelhauer and Mark Hansen
My Garden is a Square
TBR Books 2022. ISBN 978-1-63607-356-9
Available in 8 languages and as ebook
Get the book(s) here:
– offline and online book stores
– Amazon
– directly from TBR Books (also ebook)
for around 11.20 GBP/ 12.99 USD/ 12.99 EUR
Link for bookstores

DIY Cut Out Numberland
This booklet contains all our beautifully designed Numberland elements. It enables you to turn the picture book My Garden is a Square into tangible role play and (not only) mathematical conversations. Just cut out, laminate, optionally glue onto something, or use on a magnetic board. The book also contains 3 pages of suggestions and tips.
Just cut out, laminate, optionally glue onto something, or use on a magnetic board. The book also contains 3 pages of suggestions and tips.
- Numberland characters 0 to 10 and their houses, plus Trickster and Numberilly;
- Five and ten frames as flowerbeds;
- Flowers in four different colours;
- Geometrically shaped gardens to discuss shapes;
- Number Street 0 to 10.
- Suggestions and tips.
Barbara Schindelhauer
My Cut and Play Numberland
TBR Books by CALEC 2024, 44 pages.
ISBN 978 1636 0743 44
Order the book from your local or any online bookshop for around 11.20 GBP/ 12.99 USD/ 12.30 EUR.
Link for bookstores
Your alternative: A pdf-version of this book is included in the Package Printables and Numberland Masterclass.
Smart Package: Printables + Masterclass

This package gives you a hands-on Numberland teacher training with lots of background information PLUS a collection of 4 PDFs to indulge in the Numberland theme even more.
For as little as 40 GBP/ ca. 50 USD+VAT.
Scroll down or directly go to the Numberland Masterclass.
PDF #1
Let’s visit Numberland Full Resources and Teacher Guide

All you need to travel to Numberland right away! A full set of beautifully designed Numberland elements to print, cut out, laminate. To play with or to design a collage, even as a poster! Plus a how-to travel guide.
Inspiring you with proven suggestions for how to use the resource (16 pages).
Giving you all Numberland elements in three versions to choose from for maximum versatility:
Version 1 : large & in colour. This is particularly useful for group activities or for ongoing play.
Version 2 : small & in colour for children to design their own Numberland collage.
Version 3: small & black/white for easier copying and even more for the children to design themselves!
Details on the Numberland Masterclass
Watch a video of the resources in action.
PDF #2 Numberland Wall Posters 0 to 10

Number representation slightly different! The pictures put number aspects into a child relevant context. They invite children to talk and to design:
- Numbers are not abstract but living individuals who have a home like us.
- We include important number zero; number seven comes in two versions.
- The number take the classic way of representing numbers with fingers into “their own hands”,
- their houses have windows with 5+x instead of dots on dice,
- they have garden fences instead of tallies,
- they plant flower beds instead of using dots in 5 or 10 frames.
- Wind wheels for number representation in twos (6=2+2+2).
- The bushes are for birds, blossoms, berries – what ever the children have in mind. Only the total must match the number!
- Houses and flags split into even and uneven.
- Hang on: The chimneys and aerials do not match the numbers. Do the children notice? Do they bother? How do they want to go about it?
The number word is not included on purpose, to enable you to use your relevant language and letters. You can write the number word at the bottom of the (laminated?) page – and why not even in several languages in a row?!
PDF #3 Let’s visit Numberland – My Book of Numbers

A selection of motivating colouring and activity sheets for a Book of Numbers for each child, especially the younger ones.
Pdf-file with b/w printables/templates to choose from.
55 A4 pages.
PDF #4 Numberland Numeral Writing Practice

A fun numeral writing practice (including a blank version)
Our worksheets for the numbers zero to ten combine number representations with classic numeral writing practice – in a fun way to motivate and engage children beyond just tracing numerals!
Why no number words, but two versions? Blank version and no number words mean, that you can include them in desired writing and language(s)!
The numbers enable the children to trace the numerals in different sizes. Dots help where to start.
The pictures put number aspects into a child relevant context. They invite children to talk and to design:
• Numbers are not abstract but living individuals who have a home like us. Important number zero is included right from the start.
• The number take the classic way of representing numbers with fingers into “their own hands”,
• their houses have windows with 5+x instead of dots on dice,
• they have garden fences instead of tallies,
• they plant flower beds instead of using dots in 5 or 10 frames.
• Wind wheels for number representation in twos (6=2+2+2).
• The bushes are for birds, blossoms, berries – what ever the children have in mind. Only the total must match the number!
• Houses and flags split into even and uneven.
• Hang on: The chimneys and aerials do not match the numbers. Do the children notice? Do they bother? How do they want to go about it?

Wooden materials
There are also optional ready-made materials in durable wooden quality. They are produced by family owned German company HABA who sell through partners or directly in various countries. Here are some:
— Australia www.grocorp.au offers the set including the books My Garden is a Square and Math for All
— Germany www.haba-pro.com
— Ireland www.jaggo.ie
Email me if you get stuck. barbara@numberland.net

Numberland stickers and more
Fancy the cute Numberland characters as stickers, buttons, even shirts or socks … ??
www.redbubble.com enables just that. They print our designs on different products of your choice and ship internationally 🙂
By purchasing any of these fun items, you 100% support young artist and student Mario, my graphic designer!
This way to our designs in our little shop : www.redbubble.com/de/people/IFVL/shop
Watch the numbers as they introduce their home in this little video.
You want more? Information, a Numberland training, webinar, presentation?

Perhaps a training, webinar or book me as a speaker?
or just email me at barbara@numberland.net